Our Clubs

Our Association counts a number of clubs based on different topics. Every club organizes subject related events several times per year. Alumni can then decide to participate in the events they are most interested in.

The INSEAD Entrepreneurship Club (IEC) serves to channel the entrepreneurial mindset in INSEAD alumni, regardless of their experiences, from inspiration all the way to starting their own business.

Contact details:
Laurent Vermer – MBA’02D
Laurent Carnoy – YMP'00J

The mission of the Innovation Club is to inspire and empower managers across all business sectors to innovate in order to make the life of their customers better and to create profitable growth for their companies.

Contact details:
Ioan Carpus – MBA’07D
Hans de With – MBA’07D

An initiative launched by the school as the "INSEAD Women in Business Club"  in 2017 following the 50th Anniversary of the first female MBA student in Fontainebleau. In Belgium, the group focuses on diversity and their activities are open to everyone and support equity, diversity and inclusion.

Contact details:
Isabelle de Hennin - MBA'89J
Bruno Chevolet - AMP'04J

The Investment Club welcomes all INSEAD Alumni, member of the IAAB, who wish to get a better insight into the economy and the stock market. You will discuss our portfolio management with fellow INSEADers and contribute by your own ideas.

Contact details:
Marc-Henri Decrop – MBA'86
Philippe Meynckens - MBA'78

Our Mentorsharp programme aims to harness the power of the community collective knowledge to exchange expertise, advice, ideas and help everyone reaches their personal and professional development goals.
Contact details: sarah.degreef@yeast.one
The Belgian Alumni have a longstanding tradition of a yearly golfing outing, which is in general scheduled on the afternoon of the third Friday of June. We try to accommodate as much players as possible. The formula is typically single stableford.

Contact details:
Marnix Denys – MBA01

The objective of the INSEAD young alumni is to build strong links between the most recent INSEAD promotions (typically last 10 years) and to welcome them into the Belgian INSEAD alumni association. We also want to stimulate the participation and the involvement of young alumni in the various activities organized by the alumni association.

Contact details:
Ellen Hutsebaut – MBA’17J
Nicolas D’heygere – MBA’13J