
Training for recently appointed or future directors

The IN-Board program was created within the national alumni associations of INSEAD. This “peer-learning” initiative was launched in 2009 and has now expanded over 6 European countries i.e. the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Scandinavia and UK. The access to this “by alums for alums” program is reserved to INSEAD alumni paid members.

Board program developed by alumni for alumni
IN-Board is a program that prepares INSEAD alumni for Board positions. It connects participants who share similar interests, as it is an INSEAD Alumni initiative, designed by alumni for alumni. It is an executive education program that follows the best INSEAD lifelong-learning tradition.
IN-Board targets people who are or aspire to be Board members of SMEs, startups and listed corporations, as well as alumni who work with the Board of their company (C-suite roles, strategic consultants, Private Equity, etc.).


  • 6 IN-Board “LABs”
    Belgian alumni of INSEAD have the opportunity to participate in 6 Labs where experienced professionals and business specialists will share their knowledge and encourage more learning and dialogue. The labs cover topics such as legal framework, governance, crisis management,
    and Board dynamics. Each lab lasts from 17:00 to around 20:30 at the premises of our corporate partners.
  • 2 days Leadership Program in Fontainebleau
    The Leadership Program takes place on a long weekend at the Fontainebleau campus and is
    led by INSEAD Professors Erik van de Loo and Jaap Winter. It focuses on behavioral aspects of Board work, such as Board dynamics, Board effectiveness and leadership. A full day of group coaching based on a 360° appraisal allows IN-Board participants to assess and improve their leadership styles. It is also a great opportunity to connect to IN-Boarders from other countries (The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia and UK). The days in
  • White paper
    The team also writes a white paper about a topic that relates to the Board. This work strengthens the group bond and allows the IN-Board to think deeply about a specific topic. Previous topics that IN-Board waves have addressed can be found here.
  • Graduation
    The IN-Board program ends with a Graduation Ceremony, where the white paper is also shared with former participants. The Graduation Ceremony is planned for around late March.
  • Community
    The alumni associations of The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Scandinavia and the UK have worked together successfully to make IN-Board a real international project that reflects the INSEAD spirit and improves the standard of Board work. More than 100 alumni from Belgium and over 600 alumni from Europe have participated to IN-Board so far.

If you would like to register or would like more information, contact Muriel Van Severen:

Key benefits
  • Understand the fundamentals of board dynamics as well as the role and duties of the director
  • Learn good practices from industry leaders sharing their experience in an open and informal way
  • Learn through case studies and from peers through the workshop format
  • Understand the strengths, weaknesses, biases and postures of a director sitting at a board table.
  • Build or expand personal networks, become part of an active international IN-Board alumni community

Our program

Corporate partner: Cofinimmo
  • Governance framework and codes: listed and private companies Codes, one-tier vs two-tier boards, role, responsibilities and liabilities of directors, the role of the secretary-general, committees of the board, shareholder’s meeting, etc.
  • Legal framework: civil and criminal liabilities, risk mitigation for directors, responsibilities, communication to the market, sensitive information, types of activism, board composition guidelines, legal standards re-performance, monitoring and compliance, etc.
  • Francoise Roels, Executive Committee & Board Member Cofinimmo, Chair of Woman on Board
  • Philippe Lambrecht, Special Advisor to the CEO FEB-VBO, Professor UCLouvain
  • Thierry L’Homme, Senior Counsel, Linklaters

Corporate partner: EY

  • Audit committee: role and duties (terms of reference), flows of information, due diligence, independence
  • Risk management: risk assessment and mapping, probability and impact, emerging risks, mitigation measures, lines of defence
  • Internal control and audit: effective control, financial reporting, compliance, role and responsibilities of the statutory auditor, supervision of the internal audit
  • Ethics and integrity: compliance and integrity, fraud management, whistleblowing
  • Stakeholders of the audit committee: the dialogue with the board, the executive committee, the statutory auditor, the internal auditor
  • Eric Van Hoof, Partner EY
  • Marc Decorte, Honorary Chair & Non exec Dir. BECI , ex CEO Belgian Shell, C-level & founder’s sparring partner, entrepreneur
  • Xavier Bedoret, Chairman of the Board and the Audit Committee of Cenergy Holdings

Corporate partner: McKinsey & Company

  • Corporate values, mission, objectives
  • Crisis and business risk management
  • Role and position of board members and management (chairperson, executives, independents, non-executives) in business transformations and crisis situations
  • Stakeholders relationships and management of “social interest”
  • Crisis communication: social media, battlefield communication, pro-active communication, sensitive information), who communicates what, when and where
  • Michel Van Hoey, Senior Partner McKinsey & Cy
  • Louis Muyldermans, Partner McKinsey & Cy
  • Francois Gillet, Managing Director Sofina Capital, Executive Comittee Sofina

Corporate partner: BNP Paribas Fortis

  • Roles of the chairperson, the non-executives, the independents, the CEO/executive directors; relation Chair-CEO
  • Decision making process: Board/Excom inter-action
  • Assessment of board performance
  • Attitudes and behaviours, team performance, biases, etc. to avoid boards being an “incompetent team of competent people”
  • Observations on types of boards you are sitting on: mid/small caps, non for profit, public, venture capital, listed, industrial, services, etc..), management of growth, re-structuring, internationalization
  • Max Jadot, Chairman of the board of Directors at BNP Paribas Fortis
  • Annick Van Overstraeten, CEO Pain Quotidien
  • Jean-Charles Uyttenhove, Board & C-level Excellence, Country Head Belgium IN-Board Academy
  • Jacques van Rijckevorsel, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc and at Cofinimmo

Provide Board Directors with a comprehensive understanding of ESG issues, how they impact business, and how Directors can effectively oversee and integrate sustainability principles into their organizations’ strategies and operations 

  • Audrey Hanard (Chairperson bpost and Partner at Dalberg)
  • Geraldine Nolens (General Counsel & ESG responsible at Umicore)
  • Sergio Sandoval (Group Head of Sustainability at Etex, Board member Colombia Chamber of Commerce, and Board member TecVerde)
  • Types of professional investors (mid/small caps, non for profit, public, venture capital, listed, industrial, services), and situations (start-up, seed, growth, re-structuring, internationalization, etc.)
  • Private equity governance model: profile and role of non-executive directors in a private equity backed company
  • Composition: which and when, expertise, diversity, type of independent directors
  • Functioning: agenda alignment, time horizon management, CEO entrepreneur and management vs shareholding, conflict resolution
  • Michel Casselman, General Manager PMV
  • Koen de Waele, Managing Partner Volta Ventures
  • Gregory Blondeau, Software Entrepreneur

The Belgian IN-Board Academy participants can either start or finish their program with the “Leadership” module, organised by INSEAD on the Fontainebleau campus. The participants in this module are a mix of IN-Board participants from the participating countries, including the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia and UK. This module takes place over a long weekend and focuses on the behavioral dimension of work on the board as well as the personal effectiveness of the board member. The training is based on INSEAD’s (Manfred Kets de Vries) proprietary and reputable methodology. It is also a great opportunity to “re-smell” the INSEAD experience and liaise with international IN-Board members.

  • Board dynamics and board effectiveness
  • Leadership development
  • Personal leadership style based on a 360° appraisal and group coaching sessions
  • Professor Eric van der Loo, Affiliate Professor of Organisational Behaviour at INSEAD
  • Professor Jaap Winter, Professor Corporate Law, Governance and Behaviour at VU Amsterdam and Visiting Professor of Corporate Governance at INSEAD



The participants are requested to write a white paper that could be presented to the press. The work on the white paper goes on throughout the year and in parallel with the Belgian labs. The group selects a topic from a shortlist by the end of Lab II and finalizes the paper by the end of Lab VI. Past published white papers include:

  • Disruption : How to deal with it at board level ?”(Wave XI, 2024)
  • “Don’t Let AI Sink the Ship!” (Wave X, 2023)
  • “The right board at the right moment” (Wave IX, 2022)
  • “Activism and Company Boards: fight, flight or adapt?” (Wave VIII, 2021)
  • “Is the ESG topic on the agenda of the Belgian SME’s boards ?” (Wave VII, 2020)
  • “What’s going on outside the formal Board Meetings?” (Wave VI, 2019)
  • “Insights on the functioning of Profit and Non-Profit Boards in Belgium” (Wave V, 2018)
  • “Supporting SMEs to Dare Boards” (Wave IV, 2017)
  • “Board Companionship as a model to train Board Members” (Wave III, 2016)
  • “Board Leadership in the Age of Disruption” (Wave I, 2014)
Participants profile

The access to this program is limited to the INSEAD alumni (MBA or Executive Programs) and members of the IAAB. Approximately 100 alumni have attended the Belgian program so far. The participants come from diverse sectors of industries: listed companies, private companies, family enterprises, start-ups, government, social profit, private equity and consulting firms. The participants are experienced executives and board members. They have an international profile and bring extensive experience into play. Some have already prior board experience, but this is not a prerequisite to participate.

Belgium IN-Board Committee & Academy

This program is organised by the Belgian IN-Board Committee, under the leadership of Olivier Maes:

  • Xavier Bedoret
  • Ioan Carpus
  • Alexandra Deschner
  • Thomas Goubau
  • Frédéric Leynen
  • Olivier Maes, Country Head
  • Jean-Charles Uyttenhove
  • Muriel Van Severen, IN-Board Academy Coordinator
  • Luc Vanbecelaere
  • Yves Warnant

Any Questions? Contact us or find more information when logged in.