Viewpoint is an annual event attracting 150-200 business leaders both alumni and non-alumni, with the objective to engage participants in a provocative debate with two CEOs on a controversial business topic.
The Ukraine war is marking the end of an era. How will it affect international business?
Koen De Leus, Chief Economist at BNP Paribas Fortis
INSEAD Professor Marc Le Menestrel
Claire Tillekaerts, Director in companies
Guido Vanherpe, CEO La Lorraine Bakery Group
Next to geopolitical changes, the war in Ukraine also raises a lot of questions and debate around doing business in/with Russia, the role of companies in being “a force for good”. Therefore, questions that could be covered during the debate are:
• What will be the consequence on (European) supply of energy and raw materials? How should companies prepare themselves?
• Are Russia and Europe bound to drift further apart in the next couple of years? Is the Western world doing the right thing by isolating Russia? What are the risks? What does this mean for companies doing business in/with Russia?
• Will the worldwide monetary system change in the years to come?
• How should countries and businesses look at (in)dependency of non-democratic countries? Is there a risk/return analysis?
Recent topics:
– 2020 Data Privacy vs Artificial Intelligence, can they ever be reconciled in Europe?
with Theos Evgeniou, leading INSEAD Professor of Decision Sciences and Technology Management, host of the panel welcoming Philippe De Backer, Minister of Digital Agenda, Lucilla Sioli, Director for Digital Industry at EU DG CONNECT, Peter Grypdonck, Group deputy CEO in charge of Operations and Data of French unicorn VeePee and Sébastien Deletaille, Co-founder and CEO of
– 2019 We’re in a climate emergency, can business impact the world we live in for the benefit of all? What can business do to alleviate climate change.
with Chris Peeters, Group CEO, Elia and Valerie Del Ré, Executive Director, Greenpeace Belgium
– 2018 Self-Managed Organizations: Latest Management Hype or Brave New World?
with Prof: Noah Askin, INSEAD, Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, CEO, Solvay and Oskar Berger, CEO, W. L. Gore & Associates. Click here for the aftermovie
– 2017 Shooting for the Moon: What does it mean for leadership when you set the most ambitious goals for your company?”
with Bernard Delvaux, CEO of Sonaca Group and Pieterjan Bouten, co-founder and CEO of Showpad. Click here for the aftermovie
Pictures of the previous editions:

When & Where
Wednesday 21 September 2022
The event is kindly hosted by BNP Paribas Fortis (Auditorium Montagne du Parc, Rue baron Horta, 4 – 1000 Bruxelles