IN-Board Wave 6 white paper presentation

The INSEAD Alumni Association of Belgium has the pleasure to invite you to the presentation of “What’s going on outside the formal Board meetings? A survey to better understand the true dimension of informality in Boards” as the promotion whitepaper for the 2019 IN-Board Academy. In 2019, a group of 12 international participants took the opportunity to learn from experienced Board members. On September 16th 2020, they will have the opportunity to present their promotion white paper.

Informal Board activities are a fact of life. Actually, all activities that are not conducted during a Board meeting or in one of its Committees, could be considered as “informal”.

With this white paper, the wave VI participants of the Belgian chapter of the IN-Board Academy formulate their insights into the informal Board activities taken from the interviews with 18 experienced Board members, representing over 80 Boards of Directors in Belgium and Continental Europe.

During a one hour webinar on the 16th of September, our class will present its main findings and share  conclusions on the clear benefits and potential risks of informal interactions between Board members, outside the Board.

The keynote speech this year will be given by Jaap Winter, Visiting Professor of Corporate Governance at INSEAD. Jaap is also a valued faculty of the international IN-Board Leadership module in Fontainebleau, where he coaches all the IN-Board participants together with Erik van de Loo, Affiliate Professor of Organisational Behaviour at INSEAD.

When & Where

The event will take place on Wed, 16 September 2020 at 18:00 via zoom.

Want to join?