Sustainability Starts at the Board

Sustainability is a challenging topic for all of us and for business and opinion leaders specifically. Hence, this is subject of many board discussions nowadays. Board Members today, should have the necessary insights to integrate sustainability into their governance responsibilities and own the first practical tools toward becoming “Earth Competent Boards”.

As we only have a limited number of seats, this event is reserved for IN-Board  participants, IN-Board alumni and faculty and for paid-up members.

17h00: Welcome coffee
17h30: Introduction by INSEAD IN-Board and BNP Paribas Fortis
17h45: Keynote by Philippe Joubert: “Business as usual is dead
18h45: Apero Break
19h15: Workshop by Philippe Joubert “How to create Earth Competent Boards
19:50: Roundtable moderated by Professor Luc Van Liedekerke, with testimonials of Martine Reynaers (Reynaers Group) and Natasha Lippens (Finasucre)
20h45: Walking dinner

When & Where

The event will take place on June 4th 2019 at BNP Paribas Fortis.

Want to join?